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WASHINGTON - U.S. Secret Service agents opened fire after seeing a person with a firearm near former President Donald Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., while he was golfing Sunday, according to two law enforcement officials. The Republican presidential candidate is safe.
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Axad, September, 15, 2024 (HOL) - Wajigii 3aad ee wadahadalada Ankara ee u dhexeeyay Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee loo ballansanaa 17-ka Sebtembar, ayaa dib loo dhigay, lamana oga sababta.
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Sabti, September, 14, 2024 (HOL) - Warar dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya khasaaraha ka dhashay qaraxyo xoogan oo gabal dhacii maanta ka dhacay degmada Kaxda ee magaalada Muqdisho.
Addis Ababa (HOL) — Ethiopia has formally expressed its concerns to the United States over the potential deployment of Egyptian troops to Somalia, particularly in the wake of the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) ending in late 2024. The issue arises as regional tensions mount, with Ethiopia and Somalia already in a strained relationship over their growing security ties with Egypt.
Jigajiga (HOL) — The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has condemned recent statements by Ethiopian military chief General Berhanu Jula, accusing the group of being an enemy of the state allegedly created by Egypt.
Jimco, September, 13, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, Axmed Macalin Fiqi, ayaa si adag u sheegay in Soomaaliya ay taageeri doonto jamhadaha gooni-goosadka Itoobiya, haddii Itoobiya aysan si degdeg ah uga laaban heshiiska ay la gashay Somaliland.
Nairobi, Kenya — The International Crisis Group says Islamic State in Somalia has become an important financial influence for terrorism, and a report suggests the leader of the branch might become the new overall head of the militant group.
Khamiis, September, 12, 2024 (HOL) - Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, Axmed Macallin Fiqi, ayaa shir-gudoomiyay kulan ay isugu yimaadeen wasiirada arrimaha dibadda ee ka socday dalalka Carabta, kaas oo lagu qabtay xarunta Jaamacadda Carabta ee magaalada Qaahira.
Arbaco, September, 11, 2024 (HOL) - Raysal wasaaraha Xukuumadda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Barre iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminaayo ayaa goordhaw gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta ku meel gaarka maamulka Koonfur Galbeed.
Cairo (HOL) — Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, at a pivotal Arab League session in Cairo, condemned Ethiopia’s maritime agreement with Somaliland as a direct violation of Somalia’s territorial integrity. The Arab League, in a rare show of unanimous support, backed Somalia’s rejection of the deal, amplifying regional tensions over Ethiopia’s growing influence in the Horn of Africa.
(Bloomberg) -- Turkey has held talks with Somalia about setting up a site to test-fire missiles and space rockets from the Horn of Africa country, according to people familiar with the matter.
Talaado, September, 10, 2024 (HOL) - Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa baaq u dirtay dalalka ay ciidamadooda ka joogaan Soomaaliya, iyadoo ku boorineysa inay u hoggaansamaan sharciga caalamiga ah iyo qaab-dhismeedka gobolka.