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Mr. President, if you can’t help, don’t hurt
By Dr. Naima Osman
Tuesday May 2, 2023


Somalia is in a post-conflict era, which entails fragile peace, political instability, and socioeconomic challenges. To transition from conflict to peace, the full participation of all segments of society and stakeholders is crucial. Addressing the root causes of conflict, promoting dialogue, and understanding between different clan groups, and establishing a shared vision for the future is key to achieving peace. Additionally, rebuilding infrastructure, restoring basic services, and creating employment opportunities are crucial to economic recovery.

Nation-building in failed countries such as Somalia is complex and challenging and requires a leader who is patriotic and places the nation's interests above all else. Sadly, political elites in Somalia are more focused on power sharing and exploiting meager resources, hindering the development of democratic institutions and the rule of law, perpetuating inequality, and social exclusion. This coupled with a culture of corruption that is having a detrimental impact on good governance. The lack of social order and cohesion in the country is leading to chaotic and unpredictable governance.

Somali leaders normally act as people who know almost everything and often rely on jargon, buzzwords, and superficial knowledge, without engaging in critical thinking, research, or analysis. They tend to oversimplify complex issues, make sweeping generalizations, or distort facts in order to support preconceived notions and often dismiss or belittle the ideas or opinions of others who do not share their views.

The current president of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who is notoriously known to make lengthy speeches, is extremely controversial. What he says and does is incomparable. His behavior is typically illusory and lacks humility. Displaying the character of knowing everything is a sign of a dictatorship. Last night in a Q&A session, the president told the audience that there is nothing to be ashamed of employing one’s own kids and close relatives and encouraged government officials to do the same. This statement has effectively made nepotism legal as a means of serving the country. The biggest question is then, who will help the millions of jobless Somali youths who lack access to resources and opportunities? According to President Ruto of Kenya, Somalia currently lacks a working government due to the president’s actions that seem to be leading the country toward becoming the worst banana republic in history. The lack of shame and ethics in his leadership suggests that he is more interested in personal gain and maintaining power than in serving the needs of the people.

His administration has signed a secret security agreement with UAE that has yet to be ratified by the Parliament. The President has no legal authority to sign an agreement with any country without parliamentary scrutiny and approval. By doing so, he is committing treason, which under federal law is a punishable crime.

UAE is a ruthless country interested in looting the resources of fragile African countries, including Somalia. There have been reports of the UAE's involvement in illegal gold trading in Africa, and they have employed mercenaries in various conflict zones, including Yemen and Libya. The 11,000 troops trained for the UAE in Somalia may carry out political assassinations, putting anyone openly speaking against the interest of the UAE at risk of losing their life. Living in fear in one's own country is tragic. Nevertheless, Somalia has a history of overcoming powerful Western adversaries, and we shall not fear a small nation governed by an unprincipled ruler.  Mr. President, it is imperative that you prioritize the interests of Somalia and refrain from hindering its progress. If you cannot help the country, please refrain from hurting it.

Naima Osman
[email protected]  


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