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Prime Minister Roble visits flood-ravaged Hirshabelle

Friday June 4, 2021

CREDIT/ Office of the PM

JOWHAR (HOL) -  Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble travelled visited Jowhar, the regional capital of HirShabelle, on Thursday to assess the devastation caused by the flooding.

Prime Minister Roble led a delegation comprised of several cabinet members - including The Ministries of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Security, Commerce and Information - and members from both houses of parliament.

The federal delegation was welcomed by Hirshabelle Regional President Ali Gudlawe and ministers from the regional parliament.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated that 66,000 people from 27 villages had been displaced from flooding in the Jowhar district alone. The floods destroyed over 40,000 hectares of farmland and led to the closure of at least 11 schools.

Roughly 250km north of Jowhar in Beledweyne, burst riverbanks led to the displacement of 22,000 people and washed away 1,235 hectares of farmland, OCHA said.

Villages and towns in the region have effectively been cut off from one another as the floods made travel by automobile impossible.

Tens of thousands of livestock have perished.

PM Roble said that the government is working on a coordinated plan to devise a permanent solution to the annual flooding disasters in the country.


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