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Former Finance Minister Halane joins presidential race

Monday September 14, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Former finance minister who served during President Mohamed Farmaajo’s brief stint as Prime Minister in 2011 has declared his candidature in the upcoming elections.

Hussein Abdi Halane announced Sunday he will be seeking the country’s top leadership becoming the second candidate to publicly make his stance on the race.

Immediate former premier Hassan Khaire announces this past week he will be running for president. Khaire was booted by Parliament last month having served the longest as Prime Minister in Somalia in recent years.

Halane was finance Minister from November 2010 to June 2011 when Farmaajo was relieved on his jobin a deal brokered in Uganda’s capital Kampala. On 17 January 2014, new Prime Minister Abdiweli Sh. Ahmed of president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud re-appointed Halane as Minister of Finance of Somalia

Presidential elections are supposed to be held by February 2021 when the term of the current president lapses.

However with no formal agreement on the parliamentary elections, there is likelihood of a delay in that process.

Talks between President Farmaajo and Federal Member State leaders on finding an electoral agreement are currently underway in Mogadishu.


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