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Somali leaders offer condolences to Beirut after explosion

Wednesday August 5, 2020

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia leaders have expressed their condolences to the people of Lebanon after an explosion at Beirut's port ripped through the city, killing at least 70 people and maiming thousands.

Ambassador Mahad Awad, Somalia's Foreign Minister, prayed for the victims of the blast.

My prayers and thoughts are with our Lebanese brothers and sisters. Our hearts are with you. May the Almighty Allah have mercy on the those who died in this terrible explosion. May patience and solace be for their families. We pray for the quick recovery for the wounded.

Villa Somalia tweeted a consolation message.

"Dear Lebanon, our thoughts and prayers, as a Government and the people of the Federal Republic of Somalia, are with you throughout this time. We pray for the quickest recovery of your beloved citizens & success to the emergency efforts. Our condolences to the affected families."

Somalia's interim Prime Minister, Mahdi Gulaid, said that he spoke with his Lebanese counterpart Hassan B. Diab to wish a speedy recovery to the people of Beirut.

Lebanon's Prime Minister has called for a day of national mourning on Wednesday. He tweeted that explosion was caused by 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that was stored at a warehouse near the city's port for nearly six years.

Video footage showed the moment the building exploded, sending a large mushroom cloud of smoke thousands of feet it the sky. The subsequent shockwaves blew out windows and turned over parked cars. There are reports that the blast was heard and felt as far away as Cyprus.


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