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Communiqué of the Gurmad Conference on “Vision 2016”

 On March 21-22, 2015, delegates from the Somali Diaspora from across the USA and Canada met at a conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota under the theme “Gurmad Conference: the quest for Somali-led permanent political process for 2016 and beyond”. Through plenary and working groups, participants discussed and analyzed the transition towards democratic legitimacy in 2016. Participants debated the constitutional and legislative options as well as development of multiple models of change for political transition in August 2016 in Somalia.  Participants took into account the paralysis of the Somali political system which resulted in unfulfilled political mandates and failure to meet constitutionally-mandated benchmarks as well as the basic needs of the Somali citizen. Expert participants thoroughly assessed the performance of key national institutions including the legislative, executive and judicial authorities as well as the role of the foreign actors, both regional and global.


At the end of the second day, the Conference issued the following Statement of Principles which embody a framework for a path to constitutional as well as negotiated political transition for 2016.


1.      The Conference strongly underscores the importance of protecting the sovereignty, independence, national unity and territorial integrity of Somalia. The Conference further affirms the central role of the Somali citizen in running the affairs of the country, and notes that genuine political reconciliation is the key to durable peace and stability in Somalia.


2.      To ensure broad Somali ownership of the political roadmap and transition in 2016, and to prevent the absolute control and monopoly over the political decision-making process in 2016 by a few Somali political figures or foreign actors, the Conference emphasizes the need for preserving the institution of the parliament which –its fundamental flaws, and shortcomings notwithstanding- remains the only supposedly representative political institution in post-civil war Somalia.


3.      Bearing in mind the near impossibility of establishing an electoral system based on “one-person, one-vote”  or popular referendum before August, 2016 in Somalia, the Conference views the institution of the parliament as the only remaining viable source of political legitimacy responsible for developing  models of change for political transition in August 2016 in Somalia.




4.      The Conference urges the recently appointed Independent Review and Implementation Commission to immediately start, in coordination with parliamentary Oversight Committee, the constitutional review process and propose key amendments to the constitution that could be translated into action before August 2016. These amendments and proposals must provide the framework for the transition to 2016 and override contradictory and transitional provisions in the current constitutional and legislative frameworks.


5.      The Conference reminds the Somali political leaders that time is of the essence and, therefore, starkly notes key steps needed to be completed immediately by the parliament and the government before August 2016 including, but not limited to; 

i.                    Formation of the Constitutional Court;

ii.                  Appointment of members of the Judicial Services Commission;

iii.                Appointment of members of the National Independent  Electoral Commission,;

iv.                Establishment of multi-party political system;

v.                  Establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission;

vi.                Appointment of members of the Boundaries and Federation Commission;

vii.              Establishment of the National Inter-state Commission,

viii.            Establishment of Truth and Reconciliation Commision

ix.                Establishment of the Human Rights Commission


The Conference emphasizes that failure to establish the institutions in a timely fashion not only constitutes blatant violation of the constitution but it also perpetuates the lack of institutionalization of the Somali political system, thereby allowing foreign actors to manages the Somali political affairs through the so-called “negotiated” measures rather than established legal processes.


6.      In order to curtail the outsized foreign influence in the Somali political decision- making process and close the capacity gap at the governmental institutions, the Conference urges the Somali government to enlist Somali experts and technocrats with unimpeachable credentials, integrity and proven nationalism to assist in developing model processes for political transition in 2016. 


7.      Underscoring the Somali public’s overall lack of trust in their political leaders and governmental institutions, the Conference emphasizes that that the success of any political transition in 2016 in Somalia will depend on effectively addressing a host of interlinked constitutional and legislative challenges and especially on providing institutional arrangements for their actual implementation. Therefore, the Conference calls upon government and the parliament to, with a sense of urgency, coordinate in discharging their solemn duty and constitutional mandates without any further delay.


8.      Bearing in mind that Gurmad Conference is the start of a coordinated efforts by Somalis to restore Somali institutional ownership of the political process for 2016 and beyond, the Conference appointed a steering committee comprising Somali intellectuals representing various Somali Diaspora to follow up the implementation of the outcome of the conference and reach out to the Somali public for the purpose of formulating Somali-owned process for 2016.


 Below is the Somali language version


 Warmurtiyeedka Shirweynaha Gurmad ee “Hiigsiga 2016”


Intii u dhexeysay Maarso 21-22, 2015, xubno ka tirsan jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Maraykanka iyo Kanada ayaa isugu yimid shirweyne hal-ku-dheggiisu ahaa “Shirweynaha Gurmad: Raadinta hannaan siyaasadeed oo rasmi ah oo Soomaalidu hagto kaas oo lagu gaaro 2016 iyo ka shishe”. Shirar loo dhanyahay iyo kuwo gaargaar ah ayay ku lafa-gureen sidii lagu gaari lahaa xalaalnimo iyo nidaam dimuqraaddi ah sanadka 2016. Wufuuddu waxay ka doodeen arrimo dastuuri ah iyo kuwo qaanuuni ah iyo sidii loo diyaarin lahaa talooyin kala geddisan oo horseedi kara isbaddel siyaasadeed oo ay Soomaaliya  gaarto bisha Agoosto 2016. Wufuuddu waxay tixgeliyeen fadhiidnimada hannaanka siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya taas oo horseedday  xil gudasho la’aan siyaasadeed iyo in lagu guul darraystay fulinta hawlo dastuurka ku qeexan lagana gaabiyay in muwaaddiniinta Soomaaliyeed loo qabto adeegyada dowladda ee ay u baahanyihiin. Khubarada ka qaybgashay shirku waxay kale oo si hufan u qiimeeyeen waxqabadka hay’adaha qaranka ee muhiimka ah sida sharci-dejinta, fulinta iyo garsoorka iyo weliba kaalinta ay ku leeyihiin masiirka dalka shisheeyaha gobolka iyo caalamka intiisa kale.


Markii la soo gabagabeeyay maalintii labaad, shirweynuhu wuxuu soo saaray mabaadii’dan oo gundhig u ah tub loo maro hannaan dastuuri ah iyo weliba hab siyaasadeed oo loogu gudbo 2016.



1.      Shirweynuhu wuxuu hoosta ka xarriiqayaa ahmiyadda ay leedahay in la ilaaliyo gobannimada, madaxbannaanida iyo midnimada dalka iyo muqaddasnimada xudduudaha Soomaaliya. Shirku wuxuu kale oo xaqiijinayaa kaalinta udub dhexaadka ah ee ay muwaaddiinta Soomaaliyeed ku leeyihiin aaya-ka-talinta arrimaha dalka; wuxuuna caddaynayaa in dib u heshiisiin siyaasadeed oo dhab ah ay fure u tahay xasillooni iyo nabad waarta oo ka hirgala Soomaaliya.


2.      Si loo hubiyo in la helo jadwal siyaasadeed ay Soomaalidu wada leedahay oo looga gudbo 2016, loogana hortago in go’aan ka gaarista hannaanka siyaasadeed ee 2016 ay is lahaysiiyaan dhowr xubnood oo ka tirsan siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida ama dad shisheeye ahi, wuxuu shirku adkaynayaa in la ilaaliyo lana xoojiyo jiritaanka hay’adda baarlamaanka si ay saldhig ugu noqoto siyaasad xalaal ah oo la gaaro 2016 oo ay u noqoto hay’adda sida kama dambaysta ah u qeexda danta dalka oo diyaarisa hannaan keena is baddel iyo kala guur bisha Agoosto 2016 ka dhaca Soomaaliya.


3.      Shirku wuxuu ku adkaynayaa Guddiga Madaxa-Bannaan ee Dib-u-Eegista iyo Hirgelinta ee dhowaan la magacaabay in uu si habsami leh u billaabo, isaga oo kaashanaya Guddiga Kormeerka ee Baarlamaanka, hannaanka dib u eegista dastuurka oo soo jeediyo talooyin ku saabsan waxyaabaha laga baddelayo dastuurka ee ay tahay in ficil ahaan loo qabto ka hor Agoosto 2016.   Waxyaabahan laga baddelayo dastuurka iyo wadatashigaba waa in la iskula meeldhigo hannaan looga gudbo 2016 oo leh sharciyad ka wanaagsan habka uu ku dhisanyahay dastuurka qabyada ah iyo xeerarka is wada diiddan  


4.      Shirweynuhu wuxuu xusuusinayaa madaxda siyaasadda Soomaaliya in waqtigu sed yahay; sidaas awgeedna, loo baahanyahay in si degdeg ah loo qaado tillaabooyin muhiim ah oo laga doonayo in baarlamaanka iyo dowladdu si dhaqso leh u dhammaystiraan, kuwaas oo ay ka midyihiin:


x.                  Samaynta Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah

xi.                Magacaabista xubnaha Guddiga Adeegga Garsoorka

xii.              Magacaabista xubnaha Guddiga Doorashada Qaranka

xiii.            Dhismaha nidaamka siyaasadda axsaabta badan

xiv.            Dhismaha Guddiga Kahortagga Musuqmaasuqa

xv.              Magacaabista xubnaha Guddiga Xudduudaha iyo Federaalaynta

xvi.            Dhismaha Guddiga Qaranka ee Xiriirka Gobollada, iyo

xvii.          Dhismaha Guddiga Qaranka ee Dib u Heshiisiinta


Shirweynuhu wuxuu carrabka ku adkaynayaa in haddii aan hay’adaha dowliga ah si habsami ah loo dhisin ay taasi ka dhigantahay dastuurka oo lagu xadgudbay oo ay weliba u gogol xaarayso in dalku uusan yeelan sharciyad iyo nidaam siyaasi ah oo hay’ado shaqeeya leh, taas oo u fududaynaysa shisheeyahu in ay maamushaan arrimaha siyaasadda Soomaaliya iyagoo ku andacoonaya in ay doonayaan “gorgortan” halkii la mari lahaa nidaam dhisan oo qaanuun leh.


5.      Si loo xakameeyo faragelinta ba’an ee shisheeyuhu ay ku hayaan go’aan ka gaarista arrimaha siyaasadda Soomaaliya loona daboolo baahida aqooneed ee hay’adaha dowladda, wuxuu shirweynuhu ku dhiirri-gelinayaa dowladda Soomaaliya in ay raadiso khubaro Soomaaliyeed iyo xirfadyahanno leh aqoon hufan, karti iyo waddaninimo dhab ah oo gacan ka geysta diyaarinta hannaan lagu gaaro isbaddel siyaasadeed 2016ka.    


6.      Iyadoo la eegayo kalsooni la’aanta guud ee shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay u hayaan madaxda siyaasadda iyo hay’adaha dowladda,  wuxuu shirku adkaynayaa in libinta isbaddel siyaasadeed oo Soomaaliya ka dhaca 2016 ay ku xirantahay sida wax looga qabto caqabado badan oo dastuuri ah iyo kuwo sharci ah gaar ahaanna in la sameeyo hay’adaha ay khuseyso hirgelintoodu. Haddaba,  shirweynuhu wuxuu ugu baaqayaa dowladda iyo baarlamaanku in ay si degdeg ah uga wada shaqeeyaan meelmarinta hawlaha dastuuriga ah ee u yaalla iyadoo aan dib loo sii habsaamin.   


7.      Iyadoo maskaxda lagu hayo in shirweynaha Gurmad uu billow u yahay halgan habaysan oo ay Soomaalidu u galayaan in ay soo ceshadaan in hannaanka siyaasadda ee 2016 iyo ka dibba ay go’aankiisa Soomaalidu lahaato, shirweynuhu wuxuu magacaabay guddi farsamo oo ka kooban aqoonyahanno Soomaaliyeed oo matelaya jaaliyadaha kala duwan si ay u ogaadaan hirgelinta natiijada shirweynaha oo ay uga dhaadhiciyaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay Soomaalidu samaystaan hannaan ay Soomaalidu leedahay oo laaga gudbo 2016. 




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